1. English / Arabic Dictionary Of The Three Great Religions Judaism - ehristianity - Islam
Author: / Compiled And Verified By Noureldin Khalil, Revised By Mahmoud Adam
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: ادیان,ادیان , -- واژهنامهها, -- اصطلاحها و تعبیرها,Religions - Dictionaries,Religions - Terminology,Islam - Dictionaries,Christianity - Dictionaries,Judaism - Dictionaries
Classification :
2. English/Arabic dictionary of the three great religions Judism-Christianity-Islam
Author: compiled and verified by Noureldin Khalil; revised by Mahmoud Adam
Library: Library of the Faculty of Theology and Islamic Sciences of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: اديان - واژه نامه ها - انگليسي,اديان - واژه نامه ها - عربي